How many IP's can I have on accounts that allow multiple IP's?
AnlX review this on a per user basis.
What is 'Reverse DNS Personalisation'?
This means you can set the reverse IP(s) for your allocated range to be anything you like, providing there is a forward already pointing to that IP. For more information on this, please see Notes On Reverse DNS.
Can I use linux with AnlX's ADSL Service?
Yes, we fully support linux. You can find lots of advice on configuring ADSL on linux as well as notes on security issues in our Support Notes site.
What is the minimum contract term for ADSL?
Twelve Months.
Are there any extra charges for using ADSL?
What AUP and T&C's are applicable to AnlX's ADSL Service?
Are any Incoming or Outgoing Ports/Protocols blocked?
No. AnlX do not filter any traffic, unless you request to do so using our "Centralised Firewall" service.
How does ADSL work?
ADSL operates over a traditional telephone line, allowing the existing telephone line to be used to send and receive high-speed digital data whilst retaining its ability to function as a basic telephone line (POTS). The ADSL signal is carried by two ADSL modems - one at the user end and one in the local exchange. These ADSL modems are designed to exploit the physical transmission capabilities of the copper-loop line to enable high data rates over the line.
Can I have a backup dial-up account?
Yes, all ADSL customers can log into any of our 0845 numbers using their ADSL username and password - please note that you will not have the same IP address for a dial up account as you do for your ADSL connection. You may use both the 0845 dial-up and ADSL connection at the same time.
How Can I Pay?
You may pay by cheque, standing order or PayPay. Please note there may be a surcharge for paying via PayPal.
Are there any discounts for paying yearly or tri-monthly?
If you pay quarterly there is a 2.5% discount on your yearly charge. If you pay Yearly, there is a 5% discount.
How do I order?
Please email with your full name, address, postcode, BT phone line number, account type required, and if you are already with another service provider for ADSL, we will require your CBUK number - which is available from your current ISP.